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A Level Further Mathematics

At St Edmund’s College, A Level Further Mathematics is a popular choice for our most able mathematicians and we have established a strong track record of exceptional results.

Our Mathematics Department offers high levels of support, including in-depth revision schemes. You will have access to six specialised Mathematics rooms, equipped with computing facilities and tablets. 

Enrichment opportunities at St Ed’s include:

  • UK Mathematics Challenges (UKMC) and Team Challenges
  • National UKMC Competition in London
  • Algebra certificate
  • Mathematics clinic
  • Mathematics games
  • Maths Challenge preparation
Head of Department Mrs H Fraser BSc PGCE (East Anglia)
Syllabus Edexcel

Course structure

Over the two years, the A Level Further Mathematics course covers nine topics:

  • Topic 1: Proof
  • Topic 2: Complex numbers
  • Topic 3: Matrices
  • Topic 4: Further algebra and functions
  • Topic 5: Further calculus
  • Topic 6: Further vectors
  • Topic 7: Polar co-ordinates
  • Topic 8: Hyperbolic functions
  • Topic 9: Differential equations


There are three external assessments which are completed at the end of Rhetoric II (Year 13):


Paper 1 and 2 - 25% each 1.5 hours written

Core Pure Mathematics

May contain questions on any topic from the Pure Mathematics content.

Calculators can be used in the assessment.


Paper 3 - 25% 1.5 hours written

Paper 3 has two options:

Option 1: Further Mathematics

Students can take on one of the following options:

  • Further Pure Mathematics 1
  • Further Mechanics 1
  • Further Statistics 1
  • Decision Mathematics 1

Option two: Further Mathematics

Students can take on one of the following options:

  • Further Pure Mathematics 2
  • Further Mechanics 1
  • Further Statistics 1
  • Decision Mathematics 1
  • Further Statistics 2
  • Further Mechanics 2
  • Decision Mathematics 2
Key skills developed
Using mathematical skills, arguments and logic to solve problems Simplifying real-life situations so mathematics canbe used to show what is happening and what might happen in different circumstances
Understanding and demonstrating what is meant by proof in mathematics Using calculator technology and other resources (such as formulae booklets or statistical tables) effectively and appropriately


A Level Further Mathematics is a valuable supporting subject to many courses in Sixth Form (Rhetoric) and at degree level, especially for the sciences and geography, psychology, sociology and medical courses.

Future pathways

People entering today’s most lucrative sectors such as IT, banking and the stock market need to be confident using mathematics on a daily basis and many employers still look for an A Level Mathematics qualification.

Even where pure mathematics is not required, other mathematics skills learned at A Level, such as logical thinking, problem-solving and statistical analysis, are considered desirable in further education and in the workplace.