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A Level Art, Craft & Design

Choose A Level Art, Craft & Design at St Edmund’s to further develop your critical, technical, theorectical and expressive skills.

This A Level course encourages sustained investigation, analysis, design and making, and experimentation. The course content promotes creativity and builds skills in critical and reflective thinking.

As you progress, you will also gain confidence in working innovatively and independently, skills that are highly-valued by universities and employers.

Enrichment opportunities at St Ed’s include:

  • Additional workshop sessions to support wider experimentation with materials, techniques and processes
  • Life drawing opportunities
  • Newly extended facilities for three-dimensional work, including kiln formed glass and ceramics.
  • Gallery visits to London and Cambridge
  • A three-day practical project, led by a visiting artist as part of Activities Week


Head of Department Miss A M Healy, BA (Hons), PGCE (Luton)
Subject Lead Mrs S Applegate BA (Hons), MA, PGCE (Herts)
Syllabus WJEC Eduqas A650QS

Course structure

Assessment for both components takes place at the end of Rhetoric II (Year 13). There is an internal assessment at the end of Rhetoric I (Year 12).


Component 1: Personal investigation (60% of final mark)

The personal investigation consists of two parts:

  • A major in-depth critical, practical, and theoretical investigative project / portfolio and outcomes based on units and subject matter that have a personal significance.
  • An extended written element of 1000-3000 words, which may contain images and text. This must clearly relate to practical and theoretical work using an appropriate working vocabulary and specialist terminology.
Component 2: Externally set assignment (40% of final mark)

This assessment consists of two parts:

Part 1 – Preparatory study period

  • Assignment materials are released to students from 1 February (in Rhetoric II/Year 13). They consist of a series of visual and written stimuli.
  • Students select one of the stimulus and use it as a starting point from which to elicit a personal response.
  • Responses are developed during the preparatory study period. They should take the form of critical, practical, and theoretical preparatory work/supporting studies which inform the resolution of ideas in the 15 hours sustained focus study.

The start of the preparatory study period is defined as the date upon which the externally set assignment materials are presented to the learner. The preparatory period may commence on or after the 1 of February the preparatory study period finishes on the commencement of the sustained focus work.

Part 2 – 15-hour period of sustained focus work

  • The resolution of ideas from the preparatory work must be completed during the designated 15 hours and students must show how their planning relates to the outcome(s).
  • The period of sustained focus work must be completed under supervised conditions.
  • Both the preparatory work and sustained focus work will be assessed together using the assessment objectives.
  • Students will be required to select, evaluate, and present their work for assessment.

Component 1 assessment

Both parts of Component 1 are assessed together using the assessment objectives.

Students will select, evaluate, and present their work for assessment. The personal investigation will be determined by the learner and teacher, assessed by the teacher and externally moderated.

Component 2 assessment

The externally set assignment will be set by WJEC / Eduqas, assessed by the teacher and externally moderated.

Studying art enables students to reflect on and interpret the world around them, and to gain insights that develop their personal sense of identity and understanding of themselves and others.
Key skills
Creative/imaginative thinking Forming and justifying critical judgements
Developing and articulating ideas Problem solving
Appreciating and interpreting the visual world Working independently
Analysing and critiquing work Research



Future pathways

As well as developing a breadth of transferrable skills, qualifications in art are considered essential preparation for many exciting careers.

Further study in higher education possibilities include a wide range of disciplines, including fine art, architecture, graphic design, fashion and textiles design, theatre design, interior design, illustration, ceramics, jewellery, photography, art curation, animation and digital media.