- Religious language uses and purpose
- The verification and falsification principles
- The uses of symbol, analogy and myth to express human understanding of God
- Religious experience
- The concept of revelation
- The attributes and nature of God
- Life after death – the soul: death, resurrection and reincarnation
- The views of various philosophers and theologians including St. Thomas Aquinas, Plato, Aristotle, J Hume, A J Ayer, A Flew, L Wittgenstein and P Tillich
- Meta-ethics – use of ethical language and how different scholars understand how words like good, bad, right and wrong are used in ethical statements
- Virtue ethics – the concepts of the Eudaimonia and the Golden Mean
- Applied ethics and ethical theories:
- Natural law
- Kantian ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Religious ethics
- Environmental ethics – the Gaia Hypothesis
- Gender and equality – rights
- Sexual ethics – premarital, extramarital sex, contraception, homosexuality
- The sanctity of life: abortion and euthanasia
- The views of various philosophers and theologians including St. Thomas Aquinas. P Singer, P Vardy, J Fletcher, J S Mill, J Bentham
- Challenging the nature and authority of God, the Trinity, the Church and key Christian moral principles
- The diversity of practice in the Eucharist and in creative expressions of religious identity
- Exploring Christianity and science, secularisation and new movements in theology today
- Exploring the atonement theory and the ideas of Karl Barth and John Hick