Assessment for all three units is completed at the end of Rhetoric II (Year 13).
This means students will not complete AS Level, however students will sit an internal assessment at the end of Rhetoric I.
Unit 1 – 21-23 minutes – Speaking examination (30% of final mark)
- Task 1
- Presentation of the independent research project (2 minutes). Students deliver an uninterrupted presentation of a project they have researched independently.
- Discussion on the independent research project (9-10 minutes). Students discuss the content of their research project.
- Task 2
- Theme based discussion – 5 minutes preparation followed by 5-6 minutes discussion based on a stimulus card comprising an image, a short text and a point for consideration.
Unit 2 – 2.5 hours written examination (50% of final mark)
Stimulus material will be in French/German/Spanish, based on the four themes under the areas of interest:
Social issues and trends and political and/or intellectual and/or artistic culture.
- Section A: Listening
- Section B: Reading
- Section C: Translation of unseen passages from French/German/Spanish into English and from English into French/German/Spanish
Unit 3 – 2 hours written (20% of final mark)
Critical and analytical response in writing.
- Students write an essay of approximately 300 words on each of the two works they have studied.
- One essay will be based on a film and the second on a literary work. Both are chosen from the prescribed list.
- Students will have a choice of two questions for each literary work and film.