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House Captains

Sarah Bonnell and Joseph Burke

History of Poynter House

Poynter House was founded in 1970 to accommodate expanding numbers at St Edmund’s College. It was named after Dr William Poynter (1762-1827) who was Prefect of Studies at Douai in the last days of the English College.

Poynter was imprisoned at Doullens and, eventually, returned to England where he saw a new Douai built on English soil. He became President of St Edmund’s and a Bishop.

In his last will and testament, he asked that his heart should be buried at this College from which, in life, it had never been disassociated. His body was brought here, from Moorfields, in 1900.

Bishop Milner said of him “I would give the universe to possess half Poynter’s merit in the sight of God.”

House Master – Mr Ben McNiff



Poynter House Prayer

Lord God,

Look down on us, your children. Give us the grace to show our love for you in the way we treat other people.

Bless Poynter House so that it can be a community of faith and love; where everyone can be secure in the knowledge that they are respected and valued.

We ask this through the intercession of St. Edmund and our College martyrs.

Lord hear us.