Our Senior Leaders and teaching staff bring a wealth of experience and create an atmosphere where learning and growing go hand in hand.
If you do need to contact a member of staff by email please use initialsurname@stedmundscollege.org or a list of all staff emails are at the bottom of this page.
All staff can also be contacted by phone via the main switchboard 01920 821504.
Senior Leadership Team | *Core Leadership Team |
Headmaster/DSM Child Protection * Mr M Mostyn BA (Hons) (Exeter) MA (Ed) |
head@stedmundscollege.org |
Headmaster of Prep School * Mr S Cartwright BSc (Surrey) |
scartwright@stedmundscollege.org |
Bursar * Mr P Watkinson MBA (London) BSc (Reading) |
pwatkinson@stedmundscollege.org |
Deputy Head Academic* Mrs S Sanders BA (Hons) (London) PGCE (Cantab) |
ssanders@stedmundscollege.org |
Deputy Head Pastoral * Mr C Upton BA Hons (Durham) PGCE (Sunderland) PGDM (Open) |
cupton@stedmundscollege.org |
Deputy Head (Religious Life) * Mrs P Peirce BD AKC (London) |
ppeirce@stedmundscollge.org |
Deputy Head of St Edmund’s Prep/DSL Child Protection Dr F J F McLauchlan MA PhD (Cantab) (Director of Music and Performing Arts) |
fmclauchlan@stedmundscollege.org |
Assistant Head Academic (Timetable, Curriculum & Data) Mrs R A K West BEd (Hons) (Exeter) |
rwest@stedmundscollege.org |
Assistant Head Academic (Teaching and Learning) Mrs C Noble BA (Hons) (Exeter) PGCE (Canterbury) |
cnoble@stedmundscollege.org |
Assistant Head (Safeguarding and Wellbeing) DSL Child Protection Mrs L Dunhill BSc (Hons) PGCE (Nottingham) |
ldunhill@stedmundscollege.org |
Assistant Head (Pastoral) Mr G West BSc (East Anglia) |
gwest@stedmundscollege.org |
Assistant Head (Co-Curricular) Mr N Lee, BSc (Hons) (Birmingham) (Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator) |
nlee@stedmundscollege.org |
Assistant Head of St Edmund’s Prep Mr G Duddy BEd (Wales) (Year 5, RE, Co-curricular, Trips & Visits) |
gduddy@stedmundscollege.org |
Head of Boarding Mr A Smerdon BSc (Hons) (St Mary’s, Twickenham) PGCE (South Bank) |
asmerdon@stemundscollege.org |
Head of Finance/Deputy Bursar Mrs N Castle FCCA |
ncastle@stedmundscollege.org |
Human Resources Director Mrs H Duffy LLB (Hull) PGDL |
hrdirector@stedmundscollege.org |
Priest in Residence Revd Father P H Lyness MA (Rhodes) |
plyness@stedmundscollege.org |
Technical Projects Director Mr S Winfield |
swinfield@stedmundscollege.org |
Staff list