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Three Year A Level Course For International Students

From September 2024, St Edmund’s College will be offering a three-year sixth form experience leading to A Levels and/or CTEC for international full boarders.

Year One

In year one, students will receive two fifty-minute, small-group English Language lessons per day under the care of our own specialist EAL teachers. Alongside this, they will have the opportunity to experience A Level lessons in up to four subjects over the course of the year, introducing them to the vocabulary and topics that relate to each of their chosen subjects. This will be known as their ‘Foundation Year’.

Year Two and Three

In years two and three, students will follow standard, full two year A Level or CTEC courses in up to three subjects, preparing them for a potential UK university education in the normal way. Alongside these specialised A Level courses, they will continue to follow a timetable of English Language classes.


Throughout the three years students will also follow the compulsory core sixth form curriculum of Religious Education, Enrichment and Games, and will be able to take part in all of the wide-ranging co-curricular activities and trips which are on offer to all Rhetoricians.


To qualify for entry into the Foundation Year applicants must have achieved Level 5 in the Password English Language assessment; the equivalent of CEFR B1.2.