Two teams of senior cadets, entered  the East of England CCF Regional First Aid Competition at Bassingbourn Barracks on Saturday 18th May.  They successfully competed against many other CCFs within the region and came away winning the competition, bringing back a 1st and 3rd place.

We want to congratulate all involved for their hard work, time and effort in preparing for and participating in this competition.

Alongside the team competition, all cadets were assessed individually, and our team leaders, Bella V and Pippa W, excelled, with Bella taking 1st place and Pippa placing 2nd, against all participating CCF cadets.

We are incredibly proud of all involved for their commitment and well-deserved success, and grateful to our CCF volunteers, Under Officer David May and Pilot Officer Laura Mills for giving of their time to prepare our cadets so well for this prestigious competition. 

The winning team has been invited to represent the East of England in the National First Aid Competition in Holcombe Moor, later in the year and we wish them the best of luck.